A walk among soul's landscapes, from an archaic to a Franciscan sanctuary. The summit of Monte San Pancrazio used to host one of the pre-Roman sanctuaries of Umbria,
the remnants of the Archaic Sanctuary
along pastures that are slowly being re-conquered by shrubby vegetation
Overview from the mountain chain
S. Francis Holy Cave chapel
The original church founded by S. Francis friars
The wonderful view of the intricate rural landscape of Umbria
S. Francis convent small '400 cloister
a shrine where the ancient herdsmen people of Umbria and Sabina carried their votive statuettes and gathered to thank or ingratiate themselves with the forces of nature incarnated by the Mother Goddess Sabine-Roman "Vacuna" and its divine emanations. By the way Vacuna gave the name of many villages in Sabina, like Vacone, or Bacugno, this is a sign of how modern times save the archaic memories. But also the mystical charm of these places has remained intact despite the time and transformations induced by modern man.On the same paths that you'll run, St. Francis also passed by, approching the end of his life.He stopped praying in the "Sacred Cave" a deep crack in a rocky cliff where a homonymous sanctuary was founded. This trip is an Immersion in a forest landscape, where the holm comes accompanied by various ensembles of different trees, depending on the location and microclimate; a pastoral landscape shaped by karst topography and a landscape of the spirit. We will walk recognizing the herbs, trees, animals and elements that shaped this landscape ...